Thursday, June 26, 2014


Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet Jonah Knox. You are the best present I've ever received and I cherish each day with you. You've grown and learned so very much this last year- you learned to walk just shy of 14 months, and started saying words at 22 months. Now you're chatting with me a mile a minute. I love your funny personality, generous heart, your raspy chuckle, and little rascal smile. Yesterday I caught you offering your strawberries to Cookie. It made me get teary eyed. You are such a special boy. I hope you always know how much you are loved. I want to bottle you up and keep you 2 forever. My favorite thing is when you wake up and I walk into the room- how big your smile it. It brightens my mornings! Bath time in the evenings are so much fun. I love to watch you play, and you splash me like it's your job-- I can't stay mad at your little grin. You've brought more joy into Momma and Daddy's life than you'll ever know. I love you to the moon and back, Jonah. 


Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Pom Love

Because there's no such thing as too many pom poms.
I googled for all of these fancy schmancy totes. And, I'm currently trying to find a cute + affordable option that IS in stock.
This one is cute, but not really affordable.
So is this one.

I'll keep y'all posted.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Bold + Bright

I was feeling a Three Things post and who am I to fight the creative urge? Yes, I know it's Thursday and not Tuesday. And this is four things. Just go with me, okay?

Here are couple of things on my BRIGHT and BOLD radar-

1. An embroidered beach cover up. For the beach trip I'm doing my darnedest to plan this summer. Some beach. Somewhere. I wanted this one, but it sold out too fast. So, this one is a pretty cute runner up.
2. A floral one piece. Just because it's gorg.
3. Jellys?? COUNT ME IN. Especially Jack Rogers Jelly's.
4. A tasseled, beaded, graphic beach bag? Yes and yes.

I'm in Dallas this week/weekend for market. Working hard. If you're at the mart, stop by D239, or D2030 and say YO! Just kidding. Come say hi.

And, next Thursday my baby boy turns TWO. I can't even talk about it. So let's not.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Playing Catch Up {According to Jonah}

I blogged every single week for the first 52 weeks of Jonah's life. I haven't really posted about his growth this year and I miss that. I love going back and reading posts from a year ago so I thought it would be nice to record some of the things I've been keeping up with on my phone for the last couple of months here. On the bloggity. Just in case my phone crashes. Ya know. I don't want to forget this stuff.

I plan to start posting updates like this from time to time to remember funny + cute things Jonah is doing and saying lately.  Our life, "according to Jonah".

Let's catch up...

February 7th, 2014
Jonah started saying "me" this week. When he wants something he pats his little chest and says "me". In addition to Momma and Da, he said "wa wa wa" for Chihuahua (he loves this book we have about puppies), "gak-ses" for Glasses, and "cah cah it" for Chocolate this week. He also asked for tea for the first time (he gets to drink sweet tea at both Grand parents houses), and has started patting the ground and saying "ssss ssss" for sit down NOW, Mom. Who could say no to that?!

February 23rd, 2014
Jonah started combining words this week. He added please, ice and water to his vocab bank. He also said COOKIE ("took-ie") for the first time!! He also told me this afternoon that he wanted a "foot" "sohie" (fruit smoothie). Little rascal!

March 5th, 2014
Jonah said "pup" last night for his cup. He's said it all day today. Pup. Pup. He will also say Cookie if he can't find it. That's new. He's been really clingy this week and has been crying when I take him to school. Also a new thing. Not really fond of that one. He loves school?! Must be a phase.

March 20th, 2014
Last night Jonah said mine Mommy" pointing to my slush because he wanted a drink. He recognizes the color blue and will point and specifically want his blue paci. This week he started saying "bayball" and loves to swing his "bat'. It's crazy that he knows these words. He's starting to put two to three words together like "not dat bad", which is something that Jeremy taught him to say to me. Like, it's not that bad Momma when he spills all of his milk. Crazy kid. He's started swatting at us when he doesn't get his way. I blame his Daddy.

March 22nd, 2014
Jonah said his name "no nah" this week for the very first time!! He's also saying "mine shoes" and anything else he doesn't want you to play with. It's all mine- "mine mommy" when he sees me with a drink!

April 2nd, 2014
Tonight we were sitting in Jonah's room and he came from our room with my bra in his hands and clearly said, "my baww". So stinking hilarious!! He put it on his arms like you would a bra. I mean. How does he even know what a bra is?!?

April 28th, 2014
This week Jonah started associating different things together (Dada/Josh/jump) after I told him that we were going to Joshua's house when Daddy got home from work (he LOVES to jump on the trampoline at his cousin's). He is also answering every question to "yes". And will make a choice between two different things (chicken nuggets or a bean burrito, he always chooses bean burritos!). There isn't much that he can't say now. He doesn't quite talk in complete sentences, but he says one-three words at a time. He loves to go to the "box" (mailbox) in the afternoons and is obsessed with tractors, riding lawn mowers, keys (he only wants real keys, not the fake toys) and buses. He's been really clingy again with me and has started letting us cuddle him a lot. He's staying the week with his grandparents next week while I'm in China. Dreading being away from him.

May 26th, 2014
Jonah says so much now. He basically talks in complete sentences. He says "I do it" to everything and he's going through a total Momma phase. He still loves his paci and Cookie. He can make decisions for himself and knows exactly what he wants. He loves to chat with us. When he's been naughty he will say he's sorry and give us a big hug. He's very stubborn and strong willed! We pray for our food together at dinner, and he holds our hands, bows his head and then says (loudly!) AMEN! Singing is his favorite. He's started singing his ABC's and is especially fond of "X" in the song, and "meeee" at the end. It's the cutest.

June 1st, 2014
Jonah has started adding a Y to the end of everything lately. Cuppy. Milky. Parky. Blocky. Glovey. I think it's adorable and think he started because he realized that both Cookie and Paci have a Y sound at the end of the word. And, out of the blue this week he started singing "Let it Go" all on his own. Loudly. He's also obsessed with playing the drums on everything and playing golf. He calls his clubs his "golf bats". Everyday when we get home he wants to go outside and play baseball or golf. Total boy.

June 16th, 2014
Jonah went to his first Astros game last week and has also learned the words to "Take Me Out to The Ball-game". It is the cutest when he sings the last word to the song- I sing "old ball", and then in a squeaky high singing voice he sings "gaaammmmeee".

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Mason Jars & Flowers

It's no secret I love mason jars. Probably almost as much as I love stripes (a lot!). They're classic, shabby-vintage and I use them for just about anything, in every room of my house.

I wanted to create a sweet invitation incorporating a mason jar, so I played around last night and came up with this one-

Stripes + Aqua + Mason Jar + Flowers. Perfectly shabby chic and girly.
(Party Inspiration found via Pinterest)

Happy Thursday. It's my fave day of the week, cause TOMORROW'S Friday, y'all. Hip Hip Hooray!

ps. Jonah's been saying "Hip Hip Hoooooray" because his Daddy taught it to him and it is hands down- THE cutest!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Three Photos. One house.

1. I love the orange and turquoise vivid color combo. And the KWID fabric on the chairs. Who doesn't love a good trellis?!
2. That mustard-y wallpaper with that light fixture. Swoon. It's just good, y'all.
3. That dark teal sea life wallpaper in the office. Love it.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Fancy Flamingo Baby Shower

I worked on a fun baby shower invitation suite a couple of nights ago. It's for a sweet friend and I'm proposing that we go with a FANCY Flamingo theme. Preppy and perfect for a poolside baby shower!

The party inspiration is from Oh Happy Day blog. (I love the overall feel of the shower- so fun!)

The invites will be in the shop soon. Let me know if you're interested in a custom party design, I would be delighted to assist!

Happy weekending, y'all! I hope you have a great one with those you love the most.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Jonah's First Astros Game

You guys know I love a good plan, right? Jeremy and I planned to take Jonah to his first Astros game the Sunday after his birthday. June 29th. Which is actually Jeremy's birthday, so it was going to be a grand birthday adventure. I mean. I even ordered + purchased a monogrammed t-shirt for the occasion, y'all. I'm that kind of planner. Ahem.

So, of course, things didn't go the way I planned. But in this case, it was so much BETTER.

Yesterday afternoon Jeremy tweeted a photo of Jonah wearing his Astros cap after the GM asked fans why they should win tickets to last night's game. He actually selected Jeremy's photo/tweet of Jonah and gave us KILLER seats between the Astros dugout and home base. I mean. I could literally SEE the dudes sweating and getting nervous before they hit. We've sat close to the action before, but neeeever ever this close.

We headed out as soon as Hubs got home from work and made it to the field a little before 6pm (thank the good Lord above traffic was in our favor!). We actually watched batting practice and tried to get several players autograph before the game started. No luck chuck. Honestly, Jeremy and I were both a little disappointed about it until we got to our seats at game time.

Fourth row.

Sitting beside the coaches wife. And, even better....

Three rows behind NOLAN freaking RYAN. 

I mean. I think Jeremy just about died and went to baseball heaven. So, of course his night was made when Mr. Ryan agreed to sign a game ball that Jose Atuve tossed our way earlier in the evening. Century made for Hubs. I think he was probably more excited last night than on our wedding day (I just laughed out loud because y'all KNOW that I'm telling the truth!!!). Jonah obviously could care less about an autographed ball, but I love that we made the memories together and he has a little treasure his sweet Daddy can tell him about when he's older.

We ate hotdogs and nachos and sang "Deep in The Heart of Texas" at the top of our lungs. It goes down as one of the best family nights ever.

Lastly, I just have to point out that Jonah has never, ever been interested in any cartoons and will not watch a single movie. Not interested at all. Y'all. He sat his bum in the chair and watched THREE PLUS HOURS of jam-packed baseball. I can already tell he's gonna be my little ball player. He was so adorably intent. Watching the pitcher throw the ball and then he would squeal "oooooh" when the batter struck out. Cutest ever!!!

Okay, no more talky. Here is our proof-

Peace, Love and Baseball!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Strickland & Co. Preppy Paperie {Parties + Paper Goods}

I started an Etsy shop, y'all. It was just meant to be.

I have a huge, huge love for celebrations. Life is meant to be celebrated. Big things. Little things. And, especially birthdays. Birthdays should be BIG. I love a good party! Combine that with my love of color + pattern and designing these babies was just meant to be. I'm having the best time playing around with it in my spare time. I worked on tons of invites this past weekend and I'm addicted. Can't stop-won't stop.

Here's a preview of my work-

And, here's a direct link to the shop: Strickland& Co.

I haven't settled on my look + feel for the brand just yet. I'm so indecisive when it comes to logos and overall feel of a brand. I love too many things, and get indecisive but I'll get it settled soon.

If you have an upcoming event, shower or party and need a preppy invite, I would LOVE to create something fun for you!! Hit me up if you don't see what you're looking for. I heart custom work!! I'm also planning to list coordinating Favorite Things posters and possibly a few party crafts + decor.

So, what do you guys think? I would love to hear feedback. Let's dish!!