Monday, August 29, 2016


My sweet, rascal moved up to Pre-K four this week, and boy was he READY! He loves school passionately- he is very social. Likes to be on the move, playing and socializing. School is all he knows (I've worked since he was twelve weeks old), and I am so thankful that we've found the BEST school for our boy. We love the Weekday program!

Here are a few snapshots from his first week in the FOURS-

(Jonah has decided he wants long hair again, so we are in the process of growing it out. It's more than a little painful for me each morning because he wakes up with crazy bed head!!)

Here are some thoughts I had as his Pre-K THREE year ended this past May:

Jonah has had the best time in his 3 year old Dino class. Some things he's learned this year I want to remember:

-responsible for putting away his belongings (back pack, lunch box, folder and water) each morning into the correct bin
- how to spell his name, and began learning to write it as well
- memorized the class rules, and is especially fond of quoting rule #3 "no booger picking"
- Independently retrieves his lunch, opens everything and then throws it away and stows once finished 

-completely potty trained at the beginning of the school year (I was nervous he wouldn't make it in time) and learned to pull up his undies and snap/unsnap jeans
- loves to go to chapel each day and sing "strong and courageous"

So proud of our little guy. He's creative, social and so funny!!

Last day of Pre-K THREE. Too busy talking to his buddies to smile for Mom!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Officially made it to the ten week mark! Weeks 4-8 left me feeling really yucky. Nauseated, tired, sleepy, and just generally grumpy. There was some dry heaving involved as well as some weird waking up in the middle of the night so nauseous I thought I was going to hurl. Everywhere. Then it left as quickly as it came and I feel really good comparatively. 

Jeremy went to my first prenatal appointment with me on July 29th. I choose a new doctor here in Texas after some research and was a little nervous, but Dr. Champion is amazing. I am going to love her so much. Switching from an older man to a young female doctor was refreshing. I feel like she is totally current on what is going on and I love having new options. 

I scheduled my appointment for 8 weeks, and was really hopeful to hear our baby's heartbeat. It doesn't feel like it will get any less nerve wracking the second time around. Lots of anxiousness before finally hearing the heartbeat. And what a sweet little sound!!! 

Here's the video Jeremy took of that sweet, steady beat-

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

July 4th, 2016

I took a pregnancy test on Monday, June 27th. The day after Jonah's 4th birthday. It was faintly positive. So I took a couple more over the next few days and the line grew thicker. DEFINITELY pregnant. I was beyond excited. A little nervous, it has been five years since I was pregnant after all. 

Jeremy's birthday was that Wednesday, June 29th. Soooo, I decided to surprise him with the big news. We had been trying to conceive since the beginning of 2016, and it hadn't happened yet, so I knew it would be a fun surprise this way. Soooo, on July 4th I told Jer that I had a belated birthday gift for him. Inside was a tiny pair of converse all wrapped up with and a note letting him know that a new baby was coming next March. He freaked out in the best way and it was just THE BEST. Love that Husband of mine (who had been so encouraging and my cheerleader the entire 6 months we were trying to conceive). I am due on March, 8th and we can't wait to find out what we are having. Boy or girl we already love this little nugget SO very much and can't wait to add to our family. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Oh, Baby!!!

We have big news (old news by now to most family and friends) but I haven't shared it on the blog, and feel that I need to. So, without further ado-

Jonah Knox is going to be a BIG BROTHER next March!!!

As you can tell, he is SO excited. Actually, when I took these he didn't know why I was taking them He can't read, y'all so he didn't know what his shirt said!!! Why I find that SO funny, I'll never know. But anyways I made him take these and he totally hammed it up in true Jonah fashion. Mostly those are fake for the camera smiles, but really. He is so excited!!!

And, he thinks he is getting SISTER!