Sunday, October 16, 2016

Our sweet girl!!

Y'all. We are having a baby girl.  A GIRL!!!!  I seriously can't even wrap my head around it yet. I've started thinking about it and it's TOTALLY overwhelming me and making me a little emotional (in the best way possible).

My ultrasound appointment was this past Friday morning. Jeremy went with me & dropped Jonah off at school (which was just the cutest, he was so proud to have Dad there!!). Jeremy and I were both pretty nervous on the way to my appointment, Jeremy even stated that out loud before we got there.
During the scan we were both pretty quiet. It's always nerve wracking when they are checking the baby to see how everything is growing and developing. I just kept thinking, "God, please let my baby be healthy and well"... what would be going through any Momma's head, I think.

The tech asked us if we had thought about the gender and Jeremy just said yes, but most importantly we want baby to be healthy. I love that he said that (so did the ultrasound tech!) and, she said, well....

'You're having a little girl!"

I just remember thinking wow. A girl. I don't know what to do with a girl. This feel so foreign, but yet so right at the same time. We were both over-joyed!

We planned to meet our parents for dinner later that evening and do a little gender reveal surprise with Jonah. It was the cutest. From day one Jonah said he was having a Sister and when he opened the balloons he was SO EXCITED to see the pink!!

Here are a few photos from our night celebrating our GIRL-

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