Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Homeschool: Week One

Week one of homeschool is in the books! What a week!! 

Bright and early on Monday morning we began. I woke Jonah up around 7:45 and he did his morning chores (make the bed, get dressed and brush teeth), then we did our devotion and prayer together to start the day headed in the right direction. 

From 8-9am we worked on Language Arts lessons, then stopped for breakfast. Since it was our first day I decorated and the kids had bacon and cinnamon rolls! 

After breakfast we sat around the table and Jonah completed his handwriting practice sheets and we began listening to The Courage of Sarah Noble (history!). The kids played for a bit, we had lunch together and then once Sutton was down for her nap Jonah and I went on a nature walk and documented our findings in his nature journal (science!). 

As the week progressed I began to get a feel for how long each subject lesson should take- and how long he can sit and pay attention. He seems to love listening to the books while practicing handwriting! Overall our school day is right around 1.5/2hrs long depending on how many lessons we complete. 

We finished up The Courage of Sarah Noble on Wednesday and began Captain John Smith. I was pleased that as we began listening Jonah  put together the timeline of events and noted that Sarah lived after John- which is correct! Also, he has made significant progress in sound words out this first week and I absolutely feel that’s a result of the phonics we’re practicing daily! It was so nice to see small glimpses of learning and his excitement (he cheered for himself- he’s been mixing up “well” and “will” while reading out loud and he totally nailed it on Wednesday!). Also cute- he drew this boat when we began listening to John Smith (he’s paying attention while working on handwriting!). 

I feel great. And proud. I’m aware there will be hard days, and hard weeks but this first one is under our belt and it’s been WONDERFUL! I’m excited and full of hope for our year together.... and surviving on coffee and colored markers! 

We’re currently learning the Christian Pledge- and our first memory work is Deuteronomy 6:5-7: 
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your sold and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall TEACH them diligently to your children, and shall y’all of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you rise.” 

I’m incredibly thankful for the best first week of homeschool!! Every day is a GIFT! 

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