We've officially been back in Texas for one year now. And, we have exactly four months left on our lease. Time is a 'ticking away. We're going into house hunting mode again and I'm soooo excited.
Moving from our home in Birmingham to this little town-home/apartment was quite the challenge! With all of these changes (new city, new space) and challenges (teeny living space, no counter top work-space, tiny closets) comes a fresh, new perspective. I've had quite a bit of time to think about our house priorities, reevaluate which items are must-haves and we've even had time to get a feel for which side of town we want to settle on.
This little space has been good to us, and for us.
Honestly, I am so thankful that things worked out the way they did and we didn't purchase the house we were all set to close on last April. Now that I've lived in this area of Houston, I can't imagine moving that far out! Plus I just love our side of town and after living here my priorities have completely changed.
So. Are you up for the adventure again? House hunting with this crazy lady?! I think I will share more about the entire process this time around. Show you the winners AND the big fat losers that we look at.
And, in case you were wondering...this is what I'm keeping my eyes peeled for this time around...
A house with character + charm and some age on her. I love, love the house above. But, who knows where the hunt will take us. I certainly don't know. I have a checklist and we're gonna give it a go tomorrow afternoon. More details to come. Follow along on my instagram (#househuntress), and wish us luck!
(ps. The gorgeous home above is Courtney Barton's (Houston resident!) before + after. She is the owner of Mela and Roam. Check out her fab website and follow her on Instgram @ "courtneybarton".)