Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Strength Training and Toning

Back in January of 2018 I began a 30-day walking contest. I wanted to make some healthy changes in my life- creating great habits- and getting back to working out was my #1 priority. I gained 50lbs while pregnant with Sutton and needed to get the remaining weight off. The walking competition totally worked to my advantage and I began walking and eventually started jogging miles and miles each week. I ended up with over 100 miles in a 30 day period and am super proud of myself for sticking with it!  From February of 2017 (when I had Sutton) to December 31st of 2018- I've lost
65 POUNDS, y'all!
About a month into the walking challenge last year I decided I needed to add something to my workouts. It rains a lot in January/February/March and I didn't want to be outside walking in the rain every day. Plus.... Sutton also takes a SUPER long mid-day nap (I'm talking 3-4 hours every single day), so totally randomly one day I googled "dumbbell workout" and a YouTube video popped up-

This BodyFit by Amy "Full Body Dumbbell Workout" was the exact video I did in our living room. YOU GUYS. My core was SO weak back then I had to stop. Pause the video. Take a break, and had to modify EVERY single core exercise. I was literally sore for a week after the first time I did it! 

I stuck with it and began to rotate an additional video into my weekly workouts. I started with once a week, then twice, and then worked my way up to three times per week. I rotated the first video with this one, and then added the HIIT video as I got stronger...

Slowly I began to notice a change in the shape of my body. Everything was tightening up, getting more toned. More firm! My arms started to lose the jiggle!! It was such a great feeling to see it happening!! And, a few months in- friends started noticing the changes as well! 

I continued to do these videos January thru October and then hit a slump. The holidays hit, and I kept jogging- so I maintained my weight loss, but I totally let the strength training go. I got lazy over the holidays and I could totally tell. I kicked it up a notch in December and began doing the BodyFit videos again, and from January 1st until now I've lost an additional 5". This go-around I'm stepping off the scale and only doing my weekly measurements. Its absolutely CRAZY to see the changes in measurements simply by eating clean and working out!!

In regards to food- I'm not following any specific diet. I try to cook healthy meals for my family each week, and of course I splurge for something I feel that's worth it. There aren't many treats worth it to me these days. Over the course of the last year my mindset has gone from having each meal feel like an "experience" and something amazing- to basic sustenance. Food is simply fuel for my body!

If you're looking for a workout to do at home- to strengthen and tone up, I highly recommend Amy's workout videos on YouTube!!! I've added her Abs and Booty video into my routine (ouch!) these days as well as some of her Kettlebell videos and they're all really great- and FREE!

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